Change Your Life in 3 Steps

A while back I had a co-worker who would always complain. She would complain about her job, her relationships and about being a single mom.

At first I tried to let her see the good things in her life. After a while I started getting inpatient when I was at work. I started seeing the negative in every situation. Slowly I joined her on the complaining and we both became world-class complainers about everything in our lives.

As time went by I started noticing a decline in my productivity.   My body felt exhausted all the time. I wasn’t in the mood to do anything. I started focusing on the set backs in my life instead of what I’ve accomplished.

When I finally realized that it was my attitude that got in the way of my growth I had to decide to change. Of course it took some time for me to get back to where I am today but it was one of the most important changes I have ever made.

How I Changed My Life

1. First I evaluated my life to find out where I was satisfied. I have an amazing family who cares about me. Plus, I was working towards what I was passionate about; finding happiness and helping others.

2. The next step was rather hard because I had to be honest with myself to identify where in my life I was not happy. This is what I came up with for my unhappiness:

▪   I worried too much about what other people thought about me rather than what I thought about myself

▪   I found it hard to say “No” which put my priorities aside sometimes

▪   I had too much on my plate and I overworked myself trying to get everything done

▪   I didn’t have enough positive friends

▪   I had too high of expectations. Which led to disappointments.

3. After reviewing my lists, I figured out where I had to focus. So, I started to:

▪   Associate with people who had a positive approach to life

▪   Focus more on what I thought about myself rather than what others think

▪   Focus on my priorities and learned how to say “No”

▪   I started to plan and focus on a couple of tasks at a time

▪   Have realistic expectations

The Outcomes of My Decisions

Achieving my goals. When I changed my attitude I started accomplishing more. It gave me the “push” I needed to work harder.

Recognizing opportunities. I noticed right away that by being positive I saw more opportunities open up for me. When I was busy complaining I didn’t have time to  make the changes I needed to.

Appreciation. Once I started appreciating people for who they are and not what I expected from them my relationships improved. I found a deeper meaning associated with my surroundings and I will never take it for granted.

When you change your attitude you will find that you will appreciate the simple things in life. Instead of what you don’t have you will focus on what you have and how to make the best out of it.

So let go of negative thoughts and start living your life like you should.

Share your thoughts: What do you think is the best way to change your attitude about life? How can you surround yourself with positive friends?

The Gratitude List

Gratitude is the best attitude.  ~Author Unknown
The spirit of Thanksgiving is undoubtably uplifting. Families and friends get together, cook, eat and celebrate. But above all it reminds everyone to be grateful for everything they have.

I believe that we should keep the spirit of Thanksgiving all year round. It is easy to take our blessings for granted. So the easiest way to start is by constantly reminding ourselves about our blessings.

One of the ways I do that is by using the same list below in times of need. As soon as I find myself in a situation where I am about to fall apart I take out a paper and write down all my blessings. It helps me realize that a certain situation is not above all of my blessings.

Here are the things I often write down on my list:-

  • Being alive
  • My health
  • My family and friends
  • Being a mother
  • Being a woman
  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Peace
  • My strength
  • Food
  • Water
  • Rainfall
  • Sunshine
  • The Moon
  • Technology
  • Volunteers around the world
  • People who inspire me
  • Cultures around the world
  • Education
  • Endless opportunities
Oprah Winfrey said “If you start being grateful for what you have, you will begin to see that you have more. That is how you increase abundance in your life, is by seeing what you already have.” Therefore, it is very important to know what you are fortunate to have.
Share Your Thoughts:- What are you grateful for? How can you use your grateful list to inspire you in your everyday life?